How to Design Modern UIs

How to design modern UIs

Creating an app interface is a complex task that requires the cooperation of business analysts, programmers, and graphic designers. When it comes to designers, the terms such as UX and UI are often used interchangeably in the first phases of the development project. Let’s begin with bringing both these terms closer, as they constitute the key phase in the whole mobile app development process and give the app its final look.

User Interface (UI) Design differs greatly from User Experience (UX) Design. The term User Experience is defined as “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service” and in the case of apps, includes such aspects as the overall skeleton of an app, how it works, and how it can be used by the end-users.


What is UI Design?


UI design, or user interface design, is the visual display of a website, app, or physical product that facilitates the interaction between the user and the product. A UI designer creates all visual elements and interaction points to ensure the product is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing.

UI designers work with UX designers (user experience designers) who focus on creating valuable user experiences. UI and UX designers share common skill sets and methodologies, although their roles and goals differ slightly.


Tips and Tricks to design Modern UIs


In this article, We are going to describe top tips and tricks to Design Modern UI, which are crucial for every project and constitute the core principles of creating a Web/App interface.


1. Follow UI guidelines

Each development project dedicated to mobile devices must follow the UI guidelines recommended by the platform for which it is created, the most popular being Android and iOS. Each available platform has a set of rules, guidelines, and recommendations that help a UI Designer to decide on the look, size, and location of each interface constituent.

Such rules are important in every phase of a UI Designer’s work because by following them, he makes the app intuitive to use by a certain target group. It also enables the UI Designer to suggest out-of-the-box solutions that will be both useful and native.


2. Get to know the user

Knowing for whom the design is created is crucial for each app development project. It determines not only how the app works but also what it looks like. Among the important target-group-connected factors that may affect app design, the following should be taken into consideration: age and sex of users, situations in which they will use the app, goals they want to achieve using the app, and how often and in which time of the day they will use it.

A good UI Designer should begin his work with an in-depth analysis of all these factors and then translate them into a design project.


3. Gradients and Depth

Modern interfaces use color to create depth and help people understand how to interact with the design.

Gradients and subtle drop shadows are popular techniques. Gradient color use is rather trendy and provides an interesting visual to draw attention. Drop shadows aren’t as obvious to the general eye, but seemingly lift elements of the background to encourage interaction.


4. 3D designs are leveling up

3D designs are leveling up from the traditional drop shadows and geometric shapes. Now, they help breathe life into an app or web page. We’re fans of them here at Maze and use 3D animations to help our website stand out and provide a memorable brand story.


5. Minimalism & simplicity

Minimalism and simplicity are becoming a trend now more than ever before. Scrap the clutter, figure out what’s essential to your interface and leave out anything that isn’t 100% necessary.


6. 2D Illustrations & custom animations

At the same time, custom illustrations and animations are rife. Weird, wacky, and wonderful illustrations are used by businesses across their assets to bring their content to life.

Platforms like Blush have effectively democratized access to custom-made illustrations and made it easy for everyone to incorporate them into their brand—whether that’s on landing pages, in mobile applications, or somewhere else.

These designs are coupled with scroll-triggered animations, geometric shapes, glassmorphism for menus or standout interaction blocks, and textured backgrounds.

UI designers are beginning to use truly immersive visuals to help tell a brand story and provide an interactive experience that’s equal parts memorable as it is usable. They not only help tell the brand story but help product messaging and positioning too.


7. Purposeful Animation

Animation is almost everywhere when it comes to website design, making it even more important that this technique is not overused. Modern interfaces only animate elements when there is a reason for them. Purposeful animation might help a user click a button, provide navigation cues, give instruction, or serve as a simple delightful feature.

To ensure that your website animations have a purpose and aren’t pure decoration, think about the goal for the animated element and how it works as part of the overall design.


8. Smart Forms/Inputs

Gone are the days of massive online forms that ask for too much information. Modern interfaces use short forms that only ask for what’s needed to respect and honor each user’s time (and short attention span).

Modern interfaces use smart forms and inputs. This means that only the information you need is asked for (use if-then logic for form fields where appropriate) and validate data. The latter is so important on smaller devices in particular because it’s easy to mistype and create errors; data validation tells the user something is wrong immediately and prevents frustration later in the process.


9. Custom typography and color palettes

Another big trend for businesses and design is custom typography and color palettes. Businesses are beginning to create their fonts to provide a unique and scannable experience for readers. Ink trap fonts and large font sizes are highlighted for this.

When it comes to color, palettes are changing quickly. Many businesses are using pastels, whereas others are choosing bold, bright, and playful color choices. One thing’s for sure: we’re no longer seeing UI design experts sticking to two-three colors to represent their brand.

Both of these trends are creating unique and memorable experiences for users and visitors alike. They’re giving UI experts a wider choice of design styles to play with.

Want to learn more about Modern UIs? Check out Modern UI design: examples, trends, and tips and What is Modern Design

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