Design Better Landing Pages

Design better Landing Page - Onedrag Agency

Industries worldwide have moved their marking campaign and whole their presence online. A landing page helps businesses create effective marketing strategies to promote products or services. A landing page is an important part of the web design and development process and aims to engage and grab the attention of the visitor and drive them further down the conversion funnel.

Before we began, let’s understand what exactly Landing Page is?


What is a landing page?


A landing page is any web page that a consumer can land on, but in the marketing realm, it’s usually a standalone page, distinct from our homepage or any other page, that serves a single and focused purpose. A landing page is a follow-up to any promises that you’ve made to your content.

In Short: A landing page is usually a one-page website that promotes certain features or a product or services of the website that has a specific call-to-action.


Tips to Design Better Landing Page


1. Make your Value Proposition Precise


Since the headline is the first thing your visitor will see, make sure it communicates your offer and value. The content on your landing page must be to the point, highlighting your unique value proposition (UVP). The content you offer will depend on the type of product or service you’re selling.

Speak to your audience using plain language and tell how you can make their lives better.


2. Use a Clear and Simple Call to Action


Make your call to action labels easy to understand. Do not use complicated words and long phrases. Provide a clickable call to action button that encourages visitors to purchase, sign up, request a demo, or do something else. The best option is to place CTAs at the top and bottom of the page so users don’t have to scroll up to click. Or you can add floating or sticky CTA too…


3. Try to add Relevancy as much as you can


By relevancy we mean, try to add those things/elements which are relevant to your Landing page, not just waggy text and non-relevant images. Many times because some images look good we tend to use them but we forget about relevancy.


Remember Relevancy is very important. Elements like Images or Text should be related to Content/Topic.


4. Keep to a simple layout


A good landing page design is minimalist and attractive, presenting information non-intrusively. To avoid sidetracking people with redundant visual elements, use a clean, simple design with plenty of white space that keeps people on your product and call to action. Making a complex layout can distract the customer to achieve our goal which is lead conversion. Users should get the idea about where to click for certain actions rather than just searching and guessing where to click. Also, Labeling should be easy and simple, when the user reads he should be clear about what it meant.


5. Establish a Clear Visual Hierarchy


Use contrast and color to establish a visual hierarchy and to emphasize the most important elements like the CTA buttons. It’s not enough to just make a landing page.


6. Create a Trustworthy Identity


Include all the trust signals you can to show the visitors that you offer and your brand are reliable. Most sites display social proof in the form of a list of customers, press mentions, usage statistics, and testimonials.

Good Landing pages make abundant use of testimonials, trust marks, and badges. Testimonials are considered a classic trust signal that reassures visitors. Trust badges comprise logos of renowned brands you’ve worked with, endorsements, and recognition you’ve received.


7. Create a design for all devices out there


Your landing page has to be responsive so visitors can have the same viewing experience on all the devices.


Pro tip:


  1. Adhere to Mobile-First Principles
    To expand their reach, brands have adopted mobile-first strategies since half of all web activity comes from mobile. Your page should be mobile and Tablet Friendly and eventually, it will help your conversion rate.

  2. Encourage social sharing
    Include social Sharing as well, add social icons so that your customer can spread the word about your brand.

  3. Use video to showcase the UVP
    Ask yourself, what do you like the most? Reading an article or watching a video? We love to watch videos instead of reading because it’s less time-consuming and easy to get. Video landing pages use embedded videos to help illustrate the unique value proposition (UVP). Video content is optional, but video can give a 360-degree view of your product or services.


Have a project in your mind?

Need help to optimize or design landing pages for your business or want to develop a SAAS Project feel free to reach out. We have the best design and development team.

Let’s work together. Your project idea may turn into something really cool.