User Journey and User Interface Design

Services: Web and Mobile UX/UI | Custom Artworks

Understanding the Challenge

Understanding the project, identify the problem and opportunities.

Searching job and projects can be frustrating and we also know there are numbers of a platform which can help the talent in finding the job. Talents showcase their work, resume, and portfolio and apply to various companies. The number of Talents applies to the number of companies and only a few get the job letter. Many talents are not up to the industrial level of skills, sometimes people do fake applies which creates a lot of work for the company’s HR. Right now we are seeing the picture from Talent’s eye, what about HR? They have to filter and examine the number of resumes and portfolios, which creates a lot of workloads, and because of this many times the right talent unable to meet the right company.
Implementing the Solution

Analysis, Implement, Feedback

After identifying the problem, and understanding the client, we have come up with this product. FindCoder is a platform where HR can pick which candidates are a good fit or which are not. In this platform, both HR and Talent register themselves and Talent can showcase their work in their profile section that’s all. Now HR will manually examine the talents and they can filter them based on their needs. So the problem of flooded applies, manually filter each talent, missing out on the best talents, and missing out on the best opportunity for talent can be solved.

As you read above this project was not like any other freelancer or Job portal Findcoder mainly deal with HR’s and practical skillset not theoritical skillsets by this we mean Findcoder also has showcase section

Work Process

First we try to understand the idea behind the project, we not that down and do couple of meeting to understand what exactly our client wants, based on that we do our research.


After analysing the competitor and similar product, we do a quick wireframing, once we done that now It's time to design High Fidelity design. During Research we also gather the design inspiration (as mentioned) we start design the product based on those inspiration and design style.

Research and Userflow

After understanding the behind idea of projects, we now do market research, we try to search similar product out their? How they are doing? How we can improve and what we can skip? we can be different fro others. Based on that we also gather design idea and inspiration.


Once we design all the required screens, now it's time to test the UX and Usability of the product. Prototyping also helps to make developer to understand more about products and user flows.

Here are some Designs

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