LCO application Redesign

User Interface Design

Services Delivered: UI Design | Custom Artworks | Iconography

LCO App Redesign
Understanding the Challenge

Understanding the project, identify the problem and opportunities.

Learn Code Online (LCO) is the Indian Edutech Company, which serves over 5lakh students both national and international students and professionals. Over 5 years, they are providing quality courses at pizza prices. LCO wants us to redesign their entire Mobile App, so we did that for them. Here are old app screenshots.

Existing Application UI
Implementing the Solution

Analysis, Implement, Feedback

As you can see, the exiting design has too many UX issues like  Complicating Navigations, User Profiling Options, Confusing Login window, multiple clicks. Not only UX issues, but this app also does not look good in terms of aesthetics, very dull and boring design. 

Menu placements were not right, User flow was not correct, and many more. So we did research and long brainstorming sessions. Here are some of the screenshots. 

Existing Information Architecture
New Information Architecture
Some Wireframes
Work Process

First we try to understand the idea behind the project, we not that down and do couple of meeting to understand what exactly our client wants, based on that we do our research.


After analysing the competitor and similar product, we do a quick wireframing, once we done that now It's time to design High Fidelity design. During Research we also gather the design inspiration (as mentioned) we start design the product based on those inspiration and design style.

Research and Userflow

After understanding the behind idea of projects, we now do market research, we try to search similar product out their? How they are doing? How we can improve and what we can skip? we can be different fro others. Based on that we also gather design idea and inspiration.


Once we design all the required screens, now it's time to test the UX and Usability of the product. Prototyping also helps to make developer to understand more about products and user flows.

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